I just started working in the Periodicals section of my university's library, and seeing as we get the London Times and London Fashion Week just ended recently, there have been some terrific editorials and photographs and spreads that completely fascinate me. Add to that a fashion illustration journal that we receive, two scholarly journals on fashion, and a Yahoo! article on Tavi (who is great) I just couldn't resist it anymore. I just had to make my own blog- there's too much AMAZING information I'm receiving not to interpret and share it myself!
Why is it called Peacoats and Princesses? To be honest, I don't actually have a reason for it. The name just popped into my head. It might be because yesterday I was looking up children's books like The Paperbag Princess, which I've never actually read, but which looks fascinating. And my friend Arianna has this American Eagle peacoat:

(I kind of want it)
I'm not entirely sure how the two got mixed together, but as I was sitting at my desk and trying to think of a clever name for a blog, this just popped out of my head. Actually, a lot of random combinations of things pop into my head all the time. Like Eloise at the Plaza and Holly Golightly (the Audrey version, not the novella- I've never read it). Can't think of much that connects them except the fact that they both live in NYC, wear black and white, and are totally fabulous in their own way.

But yeah. There will definitely be more where this came from. Hopefully I'll have some readers soon as well!
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